To do: buy nothing on Feb 28

Here’s something we can all do–or not do, rather. Spend nothing this coming Friday and grind the economy to a halt for 24 hours. The oligarchs who run this country care only for money and power so let’s show them what we care about and the real power of solidarity.

If you have to spend for whatever reason, try to shop locally if you can (always a good idea any time of the year) and if at all possible, boycott Amazon always. And speaking of Amazon, if you own a Kindle, be sure to download your books before February 26. After that, you’ll still be able to read them on Kindle, but you won’t be able to transfer to any other device. Going to save the profanity-laced tirade against billionaires, but just know I’m thinking it.

I’ll try to end each post with something I love because while things are bleak and scary af, I still want to take time for joy and creativity. This lovely man’s home and his passion for creating and curating make me smile. Enjoy!

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